Amnesty International Accuses Catholic Church of Torture

On Irish Central bloggers have responded to the Amnesty International claim with denial and outrage. But they aren’t, weren’t victims. Here is the response of a victim:

Blood sacrifice

A priest gave me my first orgasm before I was old enough to know my body

A priest tore my vagina with his fingers preparing me for planned penetration

A priest gave me fifty years of recurrent nightmares

A priest ripped my faith from my heart and peace from my mind

This behavior was criminal – physically and spiritually

And I am still treated for Post Traumatic Stress disorder, like a victim of war

My mind is still tortured; my faith is in shreds; my hope has been stolen.

Don’t tell me this wasn’t like torture; isn’t torture.

1 thought on “Amnesty International Accuses Catholic Church of Torture

  1. Deut. 6:4-9 the shema
    Lev. 19:18 love your neighbor as yourself

    In Jewish teaching these two passages sum up the teaching of the Law and the Prophets as Matthew points out. In many ways they are universal religious laws: love God; love your neighbor.

    Jesus added the caveat to love others “as I have loved you” and that must be pondered by followers of Jesus.

    I admire your commitment to the bible.

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